Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

How to Encrypt Your Windows System Drive With VeraCrypt

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Did You Know?

There are only 32 National Football League teams in the United States and many states have more than one team (like California and Florida), which results in 22 states having all the teams and 28 without a single team of their own.

Geek Trivia

Muscle Soreness During Exercise Is Caused By The Buildup Of?
Creatine →
Lactic Acid →
Glycogen →
Citric Acid →

Download Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition ($20 Value) FREE For a Limited Time
Is hacking something left up to the bad guys? Certainly not! Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition is a fully updated resource that guides you in hacking your system to better protect your network against malicious attacks. This revised text helps you recognize any vulnerabilities that are lurking in your system, allowing you to fix them before someone else finds them.Click here to download
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Today's Tech Term

Instruction-Level Parallelism

Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP for short) refers to the simultaneous execution of two or more operations/instructions in a computer program/device (like video or graphics processing, for example).

What We're Reading

This section contains what we're reading from around the web, along with commentary from our editors. Think of it like your daily digest of the most interesting things online.

How to Install Kodi on Your Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV Stick

If you’ve spent any amount of time exploring the set-top box software scene, you’ve likely heard of Kodi. Formerly called XBMC, Kodi can extend your Fire TV’s functionality with more channels and content. The thing is, it can be a bit more difficult to install than on other platforms. Here’s how to do it.

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How to Automatically Save Your Snapchat Stories

Snapchat is already a go-to social network for millennials and teens, and its reach is now growing. You can share your life in auto-disappearing photos, without the fear of one bad photo coming back to haunt you in a job interview a few years later.

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How to Encrypt Your Windows System Drive With VeraCrypt

Some Windows 10 devices ship with “Device Encryption”, but other PCs require you to pay another $99 to get BitLocker on Windows Pro for full-disk encryption. If you’d rather not, you can use the free and open-source VeraCrypt software to get full-disk encryption on any version of Windows.

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How Does Windows Decide Which of Two Files With Identical Time Stamps Is Newer?

What does it mean when you have two identical files with identical time stamps, yet Windows says that one file is newer than the other one? How can that be? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post helps a confused reader solve a time stamp mystery.

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How to Automatically Turn Your Nest Cam On and Off

If you have Nest Aware set up on your Nest Cam, it can record video around the clock. However, this can quickly use up your bandwidth and data, so if you don’t need it recording at all hours, here’s how to automatically turn the Nest Cam on and off based on your location (using Home/Away Assist) or on a strict schedule.

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How to Download Subtitles for Movies and TV Shows in Kodi

Maybe you, or someone in your family, is deaf. Maybe you’re watching a movie in another language. Or maybe you just plain can’t make some characters’ speech out because of their accent.

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How to Stream Any Audio from Your PC to a Sonos Player

The Sonos media controller app on Windows is almost perfect, but it does have limitations. For example, it has a pesky 65,000-song limit, and despite an abundance of streaming services, you can’t stream things like YouTube and sporting events.

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How to Broadcast Your PlayStation 4 Gaming Session on Twitch, YouTube, or Dailymotion

If you like playing games, it’s always cool to let people watch you play online. I still don’t understand why that is, but people love watching other people play stuff. Here’s how to stream your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 4 Pro gameplay over YouTube, Twitch, or even Dailymotion.

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How to Set Up an Out of Office Reply in Yahoo Mail

If you're going away on vacation (or just planning to stay home and ignore everyone), you might want to let people know that you won't be reading or answering emails during that time.

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How to Use SSH Tunneling to Access Restricted Servers and Browse Securely

An SSH client connects to a Secure Shell server, which allows you to run terminal commands as if you were sitting in front of another computer. But an SSH client also allows you to “tunnel” a port between your local system and a remote SSH server.

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How to Block Someone on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a great service, but anyone with your phone number can message you through it. Whether you want to stop a particular spambot or former friend from contacting you, here's how to do it.

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What Is JavaScript, and Why Is Gmail Blocking It?

You might have seen a notification that things are changing in your inbox. Starting February 2017, Gmail changed its policy regarding JavaScript. Here’s why this is changing, and how you can protect yourself from malicious JavaScript.

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Download Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition ($20 Value) FREE For a Limited Time
Is hacking something left up to the bad guys? Certainly not! Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition is a fully updated resource that guides you in hacking your system to better protect your network against malicious attacks. This revised text helps you recognize any vulnerabilities that are lurking in your system, allowing you to fix them before someone else finds them.Click here to download

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